Tag Archives: Vanity Fair

Tom Cruise Auditioned Actresses for New Hollywood Wife

7 Sep

Vanity Fair Magazine claims shortly after the divorce with Nicole Kidman and break-up with Penelope Cruz the church of Scientology’s leader,David Miscavige set up an audition process to find the next Mrs.Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise was unhappy that he couldn’t find a girlfriend and needed bff Miscavige’ help.
Tom was unable to win the hearts of Scarlett Johansson and Sophia Vergarra so auditions were set up through his Golden Era Production Company.Where he was able to record potential girlfriends on tape.Choose them and then put them through an auditing program to test their compatibility.(Hours every day asking their sex history and very personal questions.)Then if they passed,basically groomed potential wives.

One Iranian born Scientologist,Nazanin Boniadi was put through a month long series of tests to see if she was the right fit for Tom.She was told that it was for a world mission to meet dignitarians and that she would be part of a group that would help the world.
Nazanin was taken shopping to Saks for a new wardrobe and flew to New York where her mission ended up being ‘to meet Mr. Tom Cruise.’
At first she was angry that she had been misled and manipulated into thinking this mission was to help save the world,but that the church had set her up with Tom Cruise.She later was grateful and happy to meet the Mission Impossible Actor.
Tom Cruise then took Nazanin on her dream date that she had previously written about in her auditing session.Her wish was granted with a tour of the Empire State building and dinner at Nobu Sushi restaurant.
Tom Cruise showed her off on set and moved her in to his Beverly Hills pad.
Things seemed to be perfect until their trip to Telluride.Nazanin had a skiing accident and was not able to take medications to supress the pain of her injury.(scientologists do not believe in medicine.)The Miscavige’ were in town visiting and had arrived that night.She was ordered to come downstairs to entertain them.Upon their meeting due to the fast talk of David and the language barrier,Nazanin found conversation hard to follow and often said ‘excuse me?’ Which Miscavige took offense to and thought was very rude and disrespectful.
Immediately after the trip in January 2005,Nazanin was asked to leave the Tom Cruise compound by a Scientologist official and relocate to the Celebrity Church of Scientology Center.
When asked for an explanation,the official reportedly informed her that their prince “wants someone with her own power—like Nicole.” The bearer of bad news allegedly explained the situation like this:
“Naz, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”
So distraught she ended up confiding in a fellow member of her affair with Tom and was subsequently ratted on and directly shipped to Florida to be punished for her sins.
She was ordered to work 10-15 hrs a day by scrubbing the center’s toilets with a toothbrush and standing on the corner handing out dianetics packages like a slave.
Meanwhile the church was still holding auditions in LA to find Tom a girlfriend and possible wife.A few months later Katie Holmes enters as wife #3.Wow!
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